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Martin Joseph

05/20/2022 · Senior High School

What are two differences between a democracy and an authoritarian system? 


1. In a democracy, the government is accountable to its citizens, but in an authoritarian system, government is not accountable to its citizens. 

2. In a democracy, citizens are subject to the same laws as their leader, but in an authoritarian government, leaders are not subject to punishment. 

3. In an authoritarian government, citizens are subjected to propaganda to instill their beliefs into their citizens, but in a democracy, this does not occur. 

4. In an authoritarian government, the press is under total censorship, but in a democracy, the press is under mild censorship.

expertExpert-Verified Answer

Harper Lane
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4.0 (23votes)

The Right Answer is 

1. In a democracy, the government is accountable to its citizens, but in an authoritarian system, government is not accountable to its citizens. 

2. In a democracy, citizens are subject to the same laws as their leader, but in an authoritarian government, leaders are not subject to punishment.   

Detailed Explanation:


Difference 1: Government Accountability

- Democracy:

- In a democracy, citizens are accountable to the government. This means that the elected people are responsible in front of the citizens who elect them for their actions and decisions. Periodic elections, checks and balances, and mechanisms ensure transparent governance so that leaders can always be held accountable. If leaders do poorly or act against public interests, then they will lose the next election or can even be impeached.

- Authoritarian System:

- In an authoritarian system, the government is not accountable to its citizens. Quite often, leaders come into power in a way inconsistent with the consent of those governed and are not controlled by periodic elections or constrained equally under the law. The decision-making process is centralized, with tremendous control exerted by leaders over the state, while actions remain unexplained to the public. Accountability mechanisms either do not exist or are very weak, and hence, citizens cannot challenge or replace leaders.


Difference 2: Rule of Law and Equality Before the Law

- Democracy:

- In a democracy, the very same laws by which citizens rule also involve being ruled. It is what is referred to as the rule of law and simply means that everybody is equal before the law. Leader-included legal systems are supposed to be blind. Leaders can legally be held accountable, which, in effect, gifts a no-power-grants-immunity basis for a fair and just society.

- Authoritarian System:

- In an authoritarian government, leaders are not usually bound by the same laws as ordinary citizens. Typically, the autocratic leader is immune and, therefore, can act with impunity. This means that they can use the legal system in their favor and quash other views. This creates a vast power imbalance and undermines the concept of justice and equality before the law.


Explanation of Other Options:


- Propaganda and Belief Instillation (Option 3):

- While it may be true that an authoritarian regime does control and influence public opinion with much pomp and fanfare of propaganda, democracies are not entirely free from using it or other political messaging. The critical difference, however, lies in terms of state control and the presence of a free media that might well counter government narratives.


- Press Censorship (Option 4):

- Typically, strict control over the press through censorship is sought by authoritarian regimes, which can be used to suppress the free flow of information and thereby suppress dissent. While in democracies, even though there may be a little regulation on the press, it has much freedom and thus stands independent of the State. The expression "mild censorship" is misleading because it differs significantly between democracies and means not being state-imposed.

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