Privacy Policy

August 16, 2024


Crazysloth Pte. Ltd. ("Crazysloth", "we", "us", "our") is the data controller for the purpose of the GDPR and other relevant laws. This Privacy Policy, together with our Terms of Use, applies to UpStudy, Calculator Plus mobile application (the "Application") and the related website and its subdomains (the "Site") (the Application and the Site collectively the "Service"). We are a global company and committed to protecting your privacy.

We won’t transfer information that identifies you personally to any non-affiliated third parties. We won’t sell or trade any Personal Data for commercial purposes.

By visiting or using the Service, you consent to the terms set forth in this Privacy Policy.

Data We Collect

Our principle of data collection is to collect only the minimum amount of data reasonably necessary to operate a high-quality service.

We may collect several kinds of data depending on your use of the Services, You can find out more about the specific data we collect and how we use it in the form that follows.

Data you provide to us

Data Type Collected Data Purpose of use
USER PROFILE Email,Nickname,Role,Grade This information is used to provide you with customized services.

PLEASE BE AWARE: by providing your email address, you consent to receive occasional marketing emails from us (you can choose to opt out of receiving marketing emails at any time).

SEARCHING HISTORY The questions you entered on the Service. It helps us to optimize the question bank and provide better services to users.
IMAGE DATA The images you send us, such as the images of questions taken by your camera in the Application or the images you choose to upload. This information is used to improve the quality of the Service. We may also display these images on the Expert Q&A page of the Site so as to offer quick solutions to your questions.
INFORMATION YOU PROVIDED We may collect information from you when you voluntarily provide such information, such as messages, images, email addresses, or other content you send to us via email. We may collect the information you include in the survey. We collect the survey results only for the purpose of optimizing the service. If you do not wish to provide personal information, you can simply refuse to fill out the survey. If you want to delete the content you submitted to us, please contact [email protected].

Automatically collected data

Data Type Collected Data Purpose of use
USAGE DATA Users’ interaction behavior with the Service. This information helps us understand how our Service is used and provides insight on how we can improve the user experience.
ANALYTICS DATA Crash logs. This information is used to provide you with better user experience on the Service.
DEVICE INFORMATION Device Model, device OS Version, app version, time zone, random ID. To provide you with the features and functionalities of the Services.
DEFENSE DATA IP address (collected on the website only) To prevent attacks on the network. For example, if someone attempts to attack our servers, the connection will be cut off immediately

Data Retention

We retain essential data such as usage data to maintain the Service unless you request a deletion.

We store your Personal Data only as long as it is necessary for the purposes for which it is collected, to provide our Services, resolve disputes, establish legal defenses, conduct audits, pursue legitimate business purposes, enforce our agreements, and comply with applicable laws. We erase or destroy the records containing Personal Data when they are no longer required; this will be done in ways that will ensure your continued privacy.

Data Security

We use exceptionally strong safeguards to protect the privacy of all our records, including your Personal Data. We implement physical, business and technical security measures. These strong safeguards are designed to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, loss, theft, copying, use or modification to your Personal Data. Despite these efforts to store personal data collected in and through the Service in a secure operating environment that is not available to the public, we cannot guarantee the security of personal data during its transmission or its storage on our systems. Further, while we attempt to ensure the integrity and security of personal data, we cannot guarantee that our security measures will prevent all third parties such as so-called hackers from illegally obtaining access to personal data. We do not warrant or represent that personal data about you will be protected against, loss, misuse, or alteration by third parties in any situations.

Data Transfer

Crazysloth is a based in Singapore and some elements of the Service may be hosted on servers located in countries outside your own country. The laws applicable to the protection of personal data in such countries may be different from those applicable in your home country. The jurisdictions that may not provide equivalent levels of data protection as your home jurisdiction. In particular, if you are located within the European Union, please note that personal data collected by us is transferred outside the European Union / European Economic Area. You consent to personal data about you being transferred outside your own country and, where applicable, outside the European Union / European Economic Area.

Whenever we transfer your personal data to third parties located in other countries, we will require these entities to comply with applicable data protection laws and we will take all measures that are reasonably necessary to ensure the existence of adequate safeguards to protect your personal data and to ensure that it is processed safely.

Third Parties’ data

Some third parties may be able to collect certain information from you independently from us including third-party analytics-tool providers or advertisers. These third parties may use cookies, web beacons, crash logs and other technologies to collect information about your use of the Service, and enable us to collect, monitor and analyze data regarding the use of the Service, in order to understand how you use the Service and to increase the functionality and user-friendliness of the Service, as well as to better tailor the Service to your needs.

We assume no responsibility for the service, content or the privacy policies and practices of such third parties. We strongly recommend you read the privacy statements of them; their privacy practices may differ from ours. Additionally, The Third-Party Site may contain links to external websites that do not fall under Our domain.

You can view the privacy policies of all third parties associated with the Services in the list below:

Service Provider

Google Programmable Search Engine, Mathpix,OpenAI

Analytics Tools

Google Analytics,Singular,Galaxy Store Install Referrer


Google AdMob, Google Adsense,Vungle,Applovin,Smaato,Tapjoy,InMobi,Meta

Social Login Tools

Apple, Google, Facebook

Payment Processor

PayPal, Stripe

Your Rights

You have the following rights with respect to the personal data we hold about you:

1.The right to be informed; This means you have the right to know what data we are processing, why, and who else the data may be passed to.

2.The right of access; this is your right to see what data is held about you by us.

3.The right to rectification; the right to have your data corrected or amended if what is held is incorrect in some way.

4.The right to erasure; under certain circumstances you can ask for your personal data to be deleted. This is also called ‘the Right to be Forgotten’. This would apply if the personal data is no longer required for the purposes it was collected for, or your consent for the processing of that data has been withdrawn, or the personal data has been unlawfully processed.

5.The right to restrict processing; this give you the right to ask for a temporary halt to processing of personal data, such as in the case where a dispute or legal case has to be concluded, or the data is being corrected.

6.The right to data portability; a Data Subject has the right to ask for any data supplied directly to the Data Controller by him or her, to be provided in a structured, commonly used, and machine-readable format.

7.The right to object; the Data Subject has the right to object to further processing of their data which is inconsistent with the primary purpose for which it was collected, including profiling, automation, and direct marketing.

8.Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling; Data Subjects have the right not to be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing.

You may request to access, receive, restrict or request the deletion or correction of your personal data held by us by sending an email to [email protected]. Upon request, we will provide you with the information you have the right to request. It should be noted that you may make up to 2 requests to us per year. We will send you a portable, ready-to-use format (e.g. XML or CSV etc.) within 40 days. If reasonably necessary, we may extend this by a further 40 days on notice to you.

To protect your privacy, We require you to login to your account with a username and password before granting you access to or allowing you to make any changes to your Personal Data. We make good faith efforts to provide you with the ability to delete your Personal Data, however there may be circumstances in which we are unable to delete all your Personal Data. For example, we are unable to delete it where we are legally required to keep it, including where we need it to continue to offer you the service.

If we believe that some of your personal data cannot be deleted, we will explain why and provide you with contact details for further enquiries.

If you have any questions about our privacy practices, this Privacy Policy, please contact us by email at [email protected]. We will promptly address all your privacy issues relating to this Privacy Policy.

Specific provisions

Users in European Union

In line with the GDPR, we collect and process the data outlined in this Privacy Policy on one of the following bases, depending on the circumstances:

For the purposes of fulfilling our contractual obligations to users, including:

1.Providing users with the Services and Apps they have requested.

2.Managing user subscriptions and processing payments.

3.Providing customer support.

4.For a legitimate interest associated with the operation of our business, including:

5.Enhancing the quality, reliability, and effectiveness of our Site, Services, and Apps.

6.Communicating with customers to provide information and seek feedback related to our Services and Apps.

Users in California

We will strictly adhere to the requirements of the CCPA. Unless permitted by the CCPA, we will never:

1.Deny you goods or services.

2.Charge you different prices or rates for goods or services, including through granting discounts or other benefits, or imposing penalties.

3.Provide you a different level or quality of goods or services.

4.Suggest that you may receive a different price or rate for goods or services or a different level or quality of goods or services.

Children's Privacy

We do not provide the Services to anyone under the age of thirteen (13) years old (or the applicable age in your country). We do not collect any information about the age of our users. As a result, we have no way of knowing whether we are collecting information from persons under the legal age. If you are under the legal age, please do not use "thirteen (13)" (or the applicable age in your country), please do not use the Service and do not provide us with any personal data.


What are Cookies

A cookie is a small piece of text sent to your browser by a website you visit. It helps the site remember information about your visit, which can make it easier to visit the site again and make the site more useful to you.

Cookies we use

Some of the cookies we use on our website are necessary to technically enable the website and its components to function and to enable security measures to be implemented, these cookies are essential cookies. it should be made clear to you in advance that basic cookies do not require your consent to be activated as they are essential for the proper and secure functioning of the website and are permitted by law. It should be made clear to you in advance that basic cookies do not require your consent to be activated as they are essential for the proper and secure functioning of the website and are permitted by law. For all other cookies that are not essential, we require your consent.

Our cookies are categorized in the following categories:

Essential cookies

These cookies ensure that you can use our website properly. These cookies do not collect information about you for marketing purposes, nor do they remember where you have been on the Internet. Please note that these cookies cannot be disabled.

Functionality cookies

These cookies are used to remember information you have entered or choices you have made on the site (such as language) so that you do not have to reset them the next time you visit the site.

Statistics cookies

These cookies are set to collect information about how you use our website. None of this information can be used to identify you. The information is aggregated and anonymised. Through them, we can improve our website and report on our performance.

Advertising cookies

These cookies are generally placed by third parties for the purpose of delivering advertisements and tracking their effectiveness. In some cases, these cookies enable third parties to deliver advertisements that are relevant to you based on your activity on our website and other websites.

Third party cookies

We use third-party analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, to support the operation and performance of the Site and analyze your interactions and experiences with the Site. You can find how to opt out of Google Analytics here. To find more information about how Google uses cookies, please read

How to manage your cookies

you can disable them through your browser settings. You can restrict, block, or delete cookies by changing your browser settings but that means the website may not work properly.


We need to change our Privacy Policy from time to time to improve our Services. We encourage you to review the newly updated Privacy Policy and stay informed about our privacy practices. Your continued use of our Site or Services after the effective date of such changes constitutes your acceptance of our Privacy Policy.

How to contact us

If you have any questions regarding to this Privacy Policy, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].