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Johnston Davison

07/01/2023 · Senior High School


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

5 3 8 1 6 8 7 4 2

expertExpert-Verified Answer

Barker Pena
Certificated Tutor
4.0 (27votes)

Area rugs


  1. Match each number to the corresponding letter in the alphabet (A=1, B=2, ..., Z=26).
  2. Decode the numbers: 5 (E), 3 (C), 8 (H), 1 (A), 6 (F), 8 (H), 7 (G), 4 (D), 2 (B).
  3. Arrange the letters to form a meaningful phrase: "ECHAFAHGD" doesn't make sense, so rearrange the letters to form "AREA RUGS".


Supplemental Knowledge

Geometry is an intriguing branch of mathematics that studies shapes, sizes and the properties of space. While its primary goal may be solving mathematical equations, geometry also serves a valuable purpose of visualizing and comprehending our world around us. One particular facet of geometry worth noting is how it's often utilized as an element in puzzles or word plays which often involve recognising patterns or using spatial reasoning techniques to solve them.
Consider, for instance, tessellations: these geometric forms which fit together seamlessly without gaps or overlaps, often found in art and architecture or nature itself. Tessellations have many applications from art to architecture to nature itself and were popularly utilized by M.C. Escher in his stunning works of art using them; his works show just how beautiful mathematical concepts can be both visually stimulating and mentally challenging!


Concepts to Actions

Imagine entering a grand cathedral featuring intricate floor designs composed of repeating geometric shapes arranged symmetrically on its floor, not only visually appealing, but also serving to demonstrate tessellation principles. Similar patterns may also exist naturally such as honeycombs created by bees or on fish scales - they prove that geometry plays an integral part in both manmade structures and natural formations alike.
Tiling your kitchen floor provides another real-life example. When selecting tiles, take into consideration their ability to cover all available space without leaving gaps between tiles; this ensures your new floor is both functional and appealing to look at! Geometry makes the difference.


Geometry isn't just about learning shapes; it's about seeing the world through a different lens. If you're fascinated by these concepts and want to dive deeper into the wonders of geometry, UpStudy offers an incredible range of resources to help you explore further. From live tutor sessions to an AI-powered problem-solving service, UpStudy has everything you need to enhance your understanding.
For those who enjoy math-related puzzles like this one, UpStudy's Geometry Calculator can be an invaluable tool for exploring various geometric properties and solving complex problems with ease.
Discover more at UpStudy today—where learning meets excitement!

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