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Johnson Garrett

06/18/2023 · Senior High School

Which of the following is an example of operant conditioning?
A. getting an allowance after completing chores
B. getting spanked for running in the street
C. All answer choices are correct
D. getting relief from pain after taking an aspirin

expertExpert-Verified Answer

Chang Flynn
Experienced Tutor
5.0 (34votes)

C. All answer choices are correct


1. Operant Conditioning involves learning through rewards and punishments.
2. Getting an allowance after completing chores is a positive reinforcement.
3. Getting spanked for running in the street is a positive punishment.
4. Getting relief from pain after taking an aspirin is a negative reinforcement.
5. Therefore, all answer choices (A, B, and D) are examples of operant conditioning.


Supplemental Knowledge:

Operant conditioning is a learning process through which the strength of a behavior is modified by reinforcement or punishment. It was first described by B.F. Skinner, who identified two main types of consequences that influence behavior:

1. Reinforcement: Increases the likelihood of a behavior being repeated.
- Positive Reinforcement: Adding a pleasant stimulus to increase the behavior (e.g., getting an allowance after completing chores).
- Negative Reinforcement: Removing an unpleasant stimulus to increase the behavior (e.g., getting relief from pain after taking an aspirin).

2. Punishment: Decreases the likelihood of a behavior being repeated.
- Positive Punishment: Adding an unpleasant stimulus to decrease the behavior (e.g., getting spanked for running in the street).
- Negative Punishment: Removing a pleasant stimulus to decrease the behavior.


Real-World Applications:

Consider how parents often use operant conditioning to teach their children appropriate behaviors:
- A child receives an allowance (positive reinforcement) for completing chores, encouraging them to continue doing chores.
- A child gets spanked (positive punishment) for running in the street, discouraging them from running in dangerous areas.
- Taking aspirin relieves pain (negative reinforcement), making it more likely that someone will take aspirin again when they experience pain.

These examples illustrate how operant conditioning shapes everyday behaviors through rewards and consequences.

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