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Macdonald Black

02/25/2024 · High School

The unit cost, in dollars, to produce bins of cat food is $3 and the fixed cost is $13192. The revenue function, in dollars, is \( R ( x ) = - 2 x ^ { 2 } + 333 x \) 

Find the cost function. 

C (x) =

Find the profit function. 

P (x) =

At what quantity is the smallest break-even point? 

expertExpert-Verified Answer

Rowe Delgado
Qualified Tutor
4.0 (32votes)

- Cost function: \(C( x) = 13192 + 3x\)

- Profit function: \(P( x) = - 2x^ 2 + 330x - 13192\)

- Smallest break-even point: \(x = 68\)


UpStudy Free Solution:


To solve this problem, we need to determine the cost function, the profit function, and the smallest break-even point.


Cost Function

The cost function \(C( x) \) consists of the fixed cost and the variable cost per unit. Given:

- Fixed cost: $13192

- Variable cost per unit: $3


The cost function \(C( x) \) can be written as:

\[C( x) = 13192 + 3x\]


Profit Function

The profit function \(P( x) \) is the difference between the revenue function \(R( x) \) and the cost function \(C( x) \). Given the revenue function:

\[R( x) = - 2x^ 2 + 333x\]


The profit function \(P( x) \) is:

\[P( x) = R( x) - C( x) \]

\[P( x) = ( - 2x^ 2 + 333x) - ( 13192 + 3x) \]

\[P( x) = - 2x^ 2 + 333x - 13192 - 3x\]

\[P( x) = - 2x^ 2 + 330x - 13192\]


Break-Even Point

The break-even point occurs when the profit is zero, i.e., \(P( x) = 0\):

\[- 2x^ 2 + 330x - 13192 = 0\]


This is a quadratic equation in the form \(ax^ 2 + bx + c = 0\), where:

\[a = - 2\]

\[b = 330\]

\[c = - 13192\]


To find the roots of this quadratic equation, we use the quadratic formula:

\[x = \frac { - b \pm \sqrt { b^ 2 - 4ac} } { 2a} \]


Plugging in the values:

\[x = \frac { - 330 \pm \sqrt { 330^ 2 - 4( - 2) ( - 13192) } } { 2( - 2) } \]

\[x = \frac { - 330 \pm \sqrt { 108900 - 4 \cdot 2 \cdot 13192} } { - 4} \]

\[x = \frac { - 330 \pm \sqrt { 108900 - 105536} } { - 4} \]

\[x = \frac { - 330 \pm \sqrt { 3364} } { - 4} \]

\[x = \frac { - 330 \pm 58} { - 4} \]


This gives us two solutions:

\[x = \frac { - 330 + 58} { - 4} = \frac { - 272} { - 4} = 68\]

\[x = \frac { - 330 - 58} { - 4} = \frac { - 388} { - 4} = 97\]


Thus, the smallest break-even point is at \(x = 68\).


Supplemental Knowledge


In algebra, cost, revenue, and profit functions are essential concepts in business mathematics. Here's a brief overview:


1. Cost Function (C(x)): This function represents the total cost of producing \(x\) units of a product. It typically includes fixed costs (costs that do not change with the level of production) and variable costs (costs that vary with the level of production). The general form is:

\[C( x) = \text { Fixed Cost} + ( \text { Unit Cost} \times x) \]


2. Revenue Function (R(x)): This function represents the total revenue generated from selling \(x\) units of a product. It can be expressed as:

\[R( x) = ( \text { Price per Unit} ) \times x\]

In this case, the revenue function is given by a quadratic equation:

\[R( x) = - 2x^ 2 + 333x\]


3. Profit Function (P(x)): This function represents the total profit from producing and selling \(x\) units of a product. It is calculated by subtracting the total cost from the total revenue:

\[P( x) = R( x) - C( x) \]


4. Break-Even Point: The break-even point is where total revenue equals total cost, meaning there is no profit or loss:

\[R( x) = C( x) \]


Understanding these functions helps businesses determine how many units they need to produce and sell to cover their costs and start making a profit.


Understanding cost, revenue and profit functions can be challenging but essential when making smart business decisions. UpStudy Math Solver is here to assist! The world's top multidisciplinary solving and learning platform designed specifically for learners like you who require accurate solutions across subjects like mathematics, chemistry, physics and biology in an instantaneous fashion.

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