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Frazier Hamilton

04/10/2023 · Primary School

6.24159, rounded to the hundredths place.

expertExpert-Verified Answer

Hodges Powers
Qualified Tutor
5.0 (16votes)



To round 6.24159 to the hundredths place, look at the digit in the thousandths place (which is 1). Since it is less than 5, the digit in the hundredths place (which is 4) remains the same. Therefore, 6.24159 rounded to the hundredths place is 6.24.


Supplemental Knowledge

Rounding numbers is an integral mathematical skill used to simplify numbers, making them simpler for everyday use. To round, adjust digits so as to retain its approximate value while lessening precision; when rounding to specific places values (for instance, hundredths place), look immediately before desired place value digit.
For example:

  • To round 6.24159 to the hundredths place, you focus on the third digit after the decimal point (which is 1 in this case).
  • If this digit is less than 5, you round down.
  • If this digit is 5 or greater, you round up.


Theory in Practice

Rounding numbers is an integral component of daily life, from dealing with money transactions to measuring scientific data and reporting findings in easier ways without losing critical precision. Rounding is used widely throughout society for its wide-ranging practical benefits: in money transactions prices may often be rounded to the nearest cent for ease of comparison while reporting results can benefit greatly by rounding them more simply without losing accuracy significantly.
Imagine you're baking and need 6.24159 cups of flour for a recipe. Measuring such a precise amount can be impractical; instead, rounding it to 6.24 cups makes it more manageable while still being accurate enough for your needs.


Mastering rounding techniques can greatly enhance your efficiency in both academic and real-world scenarios. At UpStudy, we offer comprehensive resources and tools designed to help you grasp these essential mathematical concepts effortlessly.For further assistance with arithmetic or any other mathematical challenges,explore UpStudy’s decimals calculator!
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