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Tyler Floyd

05/30/2021 · Middle School

Mei and Anju are sitting next to each other on different horses on a carousel. Mei's horse is \(3\) meters from the center of the carousel. Anju's horse is \(2\) meters from the center. After one rotation of the carousel, how many more meters has Mei traveled than Anju?

\(\pi \) more meters 

\(2 \pi \) more meters 

\(4 \pi \) more meters 

\(5 \pi \) more meters 

expertExpert-Verified Answer

Watson Mcfarlane
Qualified Tutor
4.0 (32votes)

\(2\pi \text { more meters} \)


To determine how many more meters Mei has traveled than Anju after one rotation of the carousel, we need to calculate the circumference of the circles traveled by each of them and then find the difference.


Step 1: Calculate the circumference traveled by Mei's horse.

- Mei's horse is 3 meters from the center.

- The circumference of a circle is given by the formula \(C = 2\pi r\), where \(r\) is the radius.


For Mei:


\(C_ { \text { Mei} } = 2\pi \times 3 = 6\pi \text { meters} \)


Step 2: Calculate the circumference traveled by Anju's horse.

- Anju's horse is 2 meters from the center.


For Anju:


\(C_ { \text { Anju} } = 2\pi \times 2 = 4\pi \text { meters} \)


Step 3: Find the difference in distance traveled.


\(\text { Difference} = C_ { \text { Mei} } - C_ { \text { Anju} } = 6\pi - 4\pi = 2\pi \text { meters} \)


Final Answer:

Mei has traveled \(2\pi \) more meters than Anju after one rotation of the carousel.

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