Turnbull O'Quinn
03/11/2023 · Primary School

4. Jism qiya tekislikda 15 N kuch ta'sirida ko'tarildi. Jism og'irligi 16 N qiya tekislik balandligi 5 m , uzunligi \( 6,4 \mathrm{~m} \). Qiya tekislikning FIKini toping

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Qiya tekislikning FIK (friksion koeffitsienti) ni topish uchun avval jismning qiya tekislikda ko'tarilishi uchun zarur bo'lgan kuchlarni tahlil qilishimiz kerak. 1. **Jismning og'irligi**: \( W = 16 \, \text{N} \) 2. **Ko'tarish kuchi**: \( F = 15 \, \text{N} \) 3. **Qiya tekislikning balandligi**: \( h = 5 \, \text{m} \) 4. **Qiya tekislikning uzunligi**: \( L = 6.4 \, \text{m} \) Qiya tekislikning burchagini topish uchun Pifagor teoremasidan foydalanamiz: \[ \sin(\theta) = \frac{h}{L} = \frac{5}{6.4} \] Burchakni topish uchun: \[ \theta = \arcsin\left(\frac{5}{6.4}\right) \] Endi, jismning og'irligi qiya tekislikda qanday ta'sir qilishini hisoblaymiz. Jismning og'irligi qiya tekislikda quyidagi komponentlarga bo'linadi: - **Tenglama**: \( W_{\parallel} = W \cdot \sin(\theta) \) (qiya tekislik bo'ylab) - **Tenglama**: \( W_{\perpendicular} = W \cdot \cos(\theta) \) (qiya tekislikka perpendikulyar) Friksion kuch \( F_{friction} \) quyidagi tenglama bilan ifodalanadi: \[ F_{friction} = \mu \cdot W_{\perpendicular} \] Bu yerda \( \mu \) - friksion koeffitsient. Jismni ko'tarish uchun zarur bo'lgan kuch: \[ F = W_{\parallel} + F_{friction} \] Bu tenglamani quyidagicha yozishimiz mumkin: \[ F = W \cdot \sin(\theta) + \mu \cdot W \cdot \cos(\theta) \] Endi \( \mu \) ni topish uchun tenglamani qayta yozamiz: \[ \mu = \frac{F - W \cdot \sin(\theta)}{W \cdot \cos(\theta)} \] Burchakni hisoblagandan so'ng, \( \sin(\theta) \) va \( \cos(\theta) \) ni topamiz: \[ \sin(\theta) = \frac{5}{6.4} \approx 0.78125 \] \[ \cos(\theta) = \sqrt{1 - \sin^2(\theta)} \approx \sqrt{1 - (0.78125)^2} \approx 0.623 \] Endi \( \mu \) ni hisoblaymiz: \[ \mu = \frac{15 - 16 \cdot 0.78125}{16 \cdot 0.623} \] Hisoblaymiz: \[ \mu = \frac{15 - 12.5}{9.968} \approx \frac{2.5}{9.968} \approx 0.250 \] Shunday qilib, qiya tekislikning friksion koeffitsienti \( \mu \approx 0.25 \) ga teng.

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Qiya tekislikning friksion koeffitsienti \( \mu \approx 0.25 \) ga teng.
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