Little Alexander
06/02/2024 · Primary School

6. Tenglamani yeching. \( \begin{array}{llll}\text { 7. a parametming qanday qiymatlarida } 9+3 a, 5-2 a \text { va } 15-5 a \text { uzunlikdagi kesmalardan uchburch: } \\ \text { yashash mumkin? A) }(0 ; 2,5) & \text { B) }\left(\frac{1}{6} ; 1,5\right) & \text { C) }\left(\frac{1}{6} ; 1,1\right) & \text { D) }\left(\frac{1}{3} ; 1,2\right)\end{array} \)

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Uchburchakning mavjudligi uchun, har bir ikki tomonning yig'indisi uchinchi tomondan katta bo'lishi kerak. Berilgan kesmalar uzunliklari: 1. \( 9 + 3a \) 2. \( 5 - 2a \) 3. \( 15 - 5a \) Uchburchakning mavjudligi shartlarini quyidagicha yozamiz: 1. \( (9 + 3a) + (5 - 2a) > (15 - 5a) \) 2. \( (9 + 3a) + (15 - 5a) > (5 - 2a) \) 3. \( (5 - 2a) + (15 - 5a) > (9 + 3a) \) Endi har bir shartni yechamiz. 1. \( (9 + 3a) + (5 - 2a) > (15 - 5a) \) \[ 14 + a > 15 - 5a \] \[ 6a > 1 \implies a > \frac{1}{6} \] 2. \( (9 + 3a) + (15 - 5a) > (5 - 2a) \) \[ 24 - 2a > 5 - 2a \] Bu shart har qanday \( a \) uchun to'g'ri, shuning uchun bu shartni hisobga olish shart emas. 3. \( (5 - 2a) + (15 - 5a) > (9 + 3a) \) \[ 20 - 7a > 9 + 3a \] \[ 20 - 9 > 10a \implies 11 > 10a \implies a < 1.1 \] Shunday qilib, bizning shartlarimiz: \[ \frac{1}{6} < a < 1.1 \] Bu shartlar \( \left(\frac{1}{6}; 1.1\right) \) intervalida joylashgan. Berilgan variantlar orasida to'g'ri javob: **C) \( \left(\frac{1}{6}; 1.1\right) \)**.

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Uchburchak mavjudligi uchun \( \frac{1}{6} < a < 1.1 \). Javob: C) \( \left(\frac{1}{6}; 1.1\right) \).
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