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Johnson Weaver

06/13/2023 · Escuela secundaria superior

3. Which of the following activities are elements of data driven decision-making? Select all that apply. 

Find relevant data 

Request observations from subject-matter experts 

Exclude information that is based on human intuition 

Define the business need

expertRespuesta verificada por expertos

Frank Howell
Specialized Tutor
4.0 (50votos)

Excluding information that is based on human intuition is not necessarily an element of data-driven decision-making, as intuition and expert judgment can still play a role in interpreting data and making decisions.


UpStudy Free Solution:


The following activities are elements of data-driven decision-making:


- Find relevant data

- Request observations from subject-matter experts

- Define the business need


Excluding information that is based on human intuition is not necessarily an element of data-driven decision-making, as intuition and expert judgment can still play a role in interpreting data and making decisions.


Supplemental Knowledge:


Data-driven decision-making involves making decisions based on data analysis and interpretation rather than intuition or personal experience. Key activities in data-driven decision-making include:


1. Find Relevant Data: Identifying and gathering the data that is pertinent to the decision at hand.

2. Request Observations from Subject-Matter Experts: Consulting experts to gain insights and validate the data.

3. Exclude Information Based on Human Intuition: Prioritizing empirical data over subjective judgments.

4. Define the Business Need: Clearly articulating the problem or opportunity that requires a decision.


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